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Cecoceco Art Morph Tiles

Culture & News

Clerkenwell Design Week 2024

Highlights from London's Independent Design Festival

London’s Clerkenwell is home to more creative businesses and architects per square mile than anywhere else. Each year, a three-day festival brings together leading UK and international brands, offering industry professionals and design enthusiasts a rich platform to immerse themselves in the latest trends and innovations. 

Our team has been searching for what’s new and inspiring at this year’s Clerkenwell Design Week and discovered a wealth of inspiration and plenty to love in both the experiential and material realms. 

Cecoceco showcased covert LED tiling. Architect Peter Morris reframed the familiar with architectural polystyrene. And 2LG studio and artist Ben Cullen Williams harnessed the power of nostalgia and association to draw on our emotions. 

This report showcases our highlights and outlines future design opportunities for brands and retailers.

Download the report below.

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