Culture & News
Snap's technological prowess is demonstrated through a series of interactive touch-points celebrating Snap lenses and AR technology. The playful physical environment is designed to capture the imagination. Fun sculptural installations populating the space engage audiences digitally and physically. Tonal shades of the brands trademark yellow feature on surfaces, ceilings and bespoke upholstery further enhancing brand immersion.
A flexible studio & event space, a destination for a community of Snap creators to experiment and play, showcases the latest in Snap digital discovery. The modular space design has been created with flexibility in mind. Reconfigurable furniture and workspaces allow for a myriad of room setups. Customisable barrisol lighting sets a soft, relaxing atmosphere and allows for ambiance adjustment.
Within the studio space, a cabinet of curiosities evokes the fun possibilities of Snap AR with 3D-printed forms and busts. Busts are brought to life by leveraging your own device, allowing visitors to experience the magic of Snap lenses in new ways. An interactive maps table highlights live content from global hotspots, demonstrating the breath of Snap’s global ecosystem.
An Environmental AR Periscope on the workspace terrace invites visitors to reimagine the built environment through a series of custom-designed AR overlays. Pivoting the screen across the architecture of the London skyline, visitors can explore the cityscape and transform it into an augmented reality.
Snap Creator Studio
A Playground for the Imagination: Inside Snap's Immersive London HQ
We partnered with Snap, the game-changing technology company behind Snapchat, to realise the Creator Studio at the brand's London HQ. The space is poised to redefine how Snap creators and brand partners engage with Snap innovation, evoking a playful journey of discovery and bringing to life the magic and creativity of augmented reality.