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YStival at Osea

Every year, we look forward to our summer party, or YStival, as it's come to be known. To mark our 15th year of YS, our London studio welcomed our NYC team, and we were lucky enough to experience a magical couple of days on Osea Island.

The private island is renowned for its mysterious allure; previous visitors are rumoured to include Rihanna, Stormzy, and English royalty, the Beckhams. We couldn't wait to explore.

Once we had located our designated houses, our time on the island began. We raced around the island on wonky bikes to complete a competitive and uproariously funny treasure hunt. Later, a barbeque led us to the main event, a crystal-themed ball, the team embracing the theme with zest.

Awakening to sea views heads slightly worse for wear, we climbed aboard our coach back to London, exhausted and with our hearts full.

Until next year.....